Missing the Mark in Ministry

I was at lunch with a friend this week, talking about the things the Lord is teaching us in this season. She said one of her recent prayers was, “Lord, thank you for letting me fall short, so I know where the end of me is.”

It was a gut punch.

Because I hate when I fall short.
I hate when I let people down.
I hate when I miss the mark.

Sometimes I lament that I didn’t read the terms and conditions of “being in ministry” closely enough, because falling short is what I spend a lot of my time doing.

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A Life of Inconvenience

Three years ago, Matt and I committed to living a life of inconvenience.

In today’s culture, that’s easier said than done…

Don’t want to wait through commercials? Skip them. Had a long day and don’t want to engage with people? Get your food to go. Or, better yet, have it delivered.

It’s easier than ever to avoid lines, avoid conversations, and avoid people altogether.

Which is exactly how God convicted us:
I told you to love your neighbor, not avoid them.

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Hold On: He is Coming

I searched for this image, because it so clearly depicts what is burning in my heart. There are so many people who currently feel like they are—emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, figuratively—standing on the edge of a bridge. Everywhere you look, people are going through hard things.

And I just want to implore you:
If you see someone on the edge of the bridge,


Continue reading “Hold On: He is Coming”

Taste and See

“I want to know Jesus, and I want to break my addictions, but Christianity sounds kind of boring. I don’t know if I want to give up everything that makes me happy, and I’m not sure I can make myself read the Bible all the time. I don’t know if I can do this.”

That was my thought process when I heard the altar call:
I don’t know if I can do this.

And, as it turns out, I couldn’t.

But Jesus said:
Just come to Me.

Continue reading “Taste and See”