The Final Promise

We live a life filled with God’s promises—healing, provision, protection—but sometimes it feels like we live a life of waiting on God’s final promise. His Second Coming.

Scripture is filled with people waiting. Abraham and Sarah waited 100 years for their promised child. Joshua and Caleb waited 40 years to enter the Promised Land. The world waited three days for the promised resurrection.

Friday was the day that Christ took all of our sins on Himself and was crucified. Sunday was the day that He rose from the grave and gave us victory over death. But Saturday was a day of waiting.

Sometimes it feels like we are living in Saturday.

We know that God has promised us eternal life, but we still see people we love dying. We know that God has promised us He will wipe the tears from our eyes, but we are still crying them.

We know that He has promised us Heaven, but we are still waiting.

The good news is that as Christians, we wait with hope, knowing that our God is living. Knowing that our God has finished His work.

We may live in Saturday, but our hope is in Sunday.

Our hope comes from:

  • Knowing that He is faithful. (Deuteronomy 7:9)
  • Knowing what He has promised. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

When we meditate on His faithfulness and rest in His promise that He will return, we wait with a hope that can only be found in a God who has never failed. He said that the work was finished (John 19:30). He said His plan would come to pass (Isaiah 46:11).

It is not a plan to simply begin something. In order to bring glory to the Father, the plan has to be completed. Salvation is about a union with Christ that culminated in a resurrection, but the plan is still not complete. Jesus says “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.” (John 6:40)

The plan is still being fulfilled because the purpose of the plan is eternal life for us. 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Our loving Father wants everyone to come to Him so that none of us are denied His eternal life. He finished His work. We are not waiting on Him; He is waiting on us—to proclaim His love to the world so that all of His people can hear His words and come home.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” – Matthew 24:14

14 thoughts on “The Final Promise

  1. Joy comes in the morning for us as Christians to know that Christ is alive, we do not need to be stuck on Saturday and feeling despair because with Christ there is always hope. Thank you for your posted


  2. What a great comparison to the “not yet” and living in Saturday. I don’t think I’ve consciously compared the Saturday between and our position right now. It’s amazing how much imagery und subtle lessons God has for us.. even via days of the week and celebration and eternity. Ahh! So awesome.


  3. I don’t wait well! This is a wonderful reminder that the fullness we crave has not been made complete just yet! What a perfect post as we ponder the Resurrection this week! Thanks for these words 🙂


  4. We are not waiting on Him; He is waiting on us—to proclaim His love to the world so that all of His people can hear His words and come home.

    — love these words!


  5. “Sometimes it feels like we are living in Saturday.” Oh how true this is. There are so many who are hurting waiting for salvation, and they simply need to walk into Sunday to find it. This is conviction for me that we need to be leading and pointing them in one direction. Thanks for sharing this message.


  6. Waiting is so hard. And yet when we have hope of a promise that is certain to come true-that is where joy in waiting can happen. I really needed this reminder of eternal hope and promise today. Thank you for pointing me to joy!


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